Time is fleeting…life runs at a busy pace. Inundated with to do lists, calls, paper, mail, email, texts, work obligations and other distractions, we struggle to find time for family, friends and ourselves. Unexpected events or transitions occur, such as a move, new job, a baby or illness and suddenly there isn’t enough time to stay on top of everything. Clutter develops and bad habits form. Chaos mounts and can encroach on living and working space, hampering productivity and peace of mind. If taking control is too overwhelming, Simply Orderly can help you identify and eliminate the clutter from your home, office and schedule. We are committed to helping clients achieve their individual goals, teaching strategies and creating solutions that suit their unique preferences and lifestyle.
Donna Dubinsky | 灯蓝百度云盘
Proud 5 Year Professional Member of NAPO (The National Association of Professional Organizers)
Donna Dubinsky | lanter专业破解版下载百度云
Thumbtack Spotlight
Simply Orderly
5 out of 5 stars
I get great satisfaction from helping clients take better control over their environment and their lives. Disorganized chaos not only takes up physical space but also, emotional space, which often increases stress levels. Whether a client has struggled with weak organization skills all their lives, whether some life event has gotten in the way of the best in intentions, whether they are packing or unpacking following a move, I enjoy helping clients reach their organizational goals and enjoy their space again. Specializing in residential organizing, I value the trust clients place in me and never tire of seeing the results of our hard work.
What or who inspired you to start your own business?
I have been highly organized all my life and believe in the power and benefits of improved organization. I am detail oriented and very patient in fleshing out and discussing the issues that often surround our relationship to our “stuff” and some of our bad habits. After practicing law for many years, in 2012, I took a leap of faith, to pursue helping others in their homes. It has been an exciting journey and the results have been astounding.
Are you inundated with paper? Are piles, boxes or bags of paper taking over, creating stress and overwhelm? Do you often misplace important information, costing valuable time and money? Good news…your piling 灯蓝百度云盘 is treatable. Working on tweaking your paper habits can yield transforming results, reduce your workload and could even save a tree. (more…)
Lantern官方网站 | June 19, 2015
Organizing doesn’t have to be a huge, daunting and overwhelmingly time consuming endeavor. If committing to your whole house or an entire area has been near impossible, break it down into doable parts. Try tweaking systems a few minutes here and there. It can make a huge difference and keep you moving forward in your quest to finally get organized. Here are a few photos of some quick and simple fixes: (more…)
Donna Dubinsky | 蓝1灯破解版百度云
Reducing clutter takes a time and effort. It requires making decisions, some of which can be difficult and mentally exhausting. Breaking the task down into small pieces can help to reduce overwhelm. These tips followed by the quick reference questions, can help you moving forward. (more…)
20 Daily habits Of Highly Organized People Productivity by Daniel Philben
“We all have that one person at work or school who is effortlessly organized. They never seem to miss any deadlines, always finish their work with time to spare, and always know where they can find what they are looking for.
And let’s face it: you are obviously jealous of them. But why? Why be jealous when you can actually learn from them and be the same as them? They do seem to be on the right track with life, don’t they? 灯蓝app下载
We’ve Come A Long Way Since Space Invaders: Putting Technology To Work For You
蓝·灯下载 | March 9, 2015
At the risk of dating myself, back in the 70’s, space invaders, pong and breakout were loads of fun. But, new technology wasn’t particularly useful. In the 80’s, I was enjoying my cutting edge IBM “word processor”, amazed white out was no longer required to erase mistakes. By 1990, carbon paper was a thing of the past and desktop computers had become the norm. Still, personal and professional lives were dictated mainly by libraries, landlines, payphones and snail mail. Before long, beepers emerged for “important” people and by the time cell phones arrived, I couldn’t imagine any reason to ever have or need one. (more…)
Commentary On 2/17/15 New York Times Editorial: The Clutter Cure’s Illusory Joy
Donna Dubinsky | February 18, 2015
Notwithstanding partial disagreement with its premise, I quite enjoyed Pamela Druckerman’s article on clutter in todays’ New York Times. Full article on this page. Not surprisingly, clutter has become a problem in many countries. It is noteworthy that the notion of ridding ourselves of accumulated physical clutter has gained momentum in recent years. The author refers to the existence mental types of clutter, as a sign of the times, such as “…unreturned emails; unprinted family photos; the ceaseless ticker of other people’s lives on Facebook; …and the suspicion that we’ll be checking our phones every 15 minutes, forever.”
The article concludes with a premise, “I’m starting to suspect that the joy of ditching all of our stuff is just as illusory as the joy of acquiring it all was. Less may be more, but it’s still not enough”. To me, ditching “all our stuff” should never be the goal. In my view and experience, less may very well be enough. I am convinced many (but not all) will experience great joy, freedom, liberation and transformation from improved organization of ones’ physical accumulation and/or mental clutter. The key to whether this will be YOUR experience, is (more…)